Saturday 24 January 2009

What is Paracetemol

Anti Inflamatory drugs - a big advance

Paracetemol is the most popular anti-inflammatory drug on the web.; In this article from now on we will use the commonly used misspelling.

Paracetemol is an NSAID.  NSAIDs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents/analgesics (NSAIAs). The most prominent member of this group of drugs is Ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin). I will not give more information on the chemistry of this painkiller as it would be complex and unlikely to mean anything to our web audience.

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Paracetemol is thought to be safe for short term use for pain and fever during pregnancy.  The only thing to think about is if you're taking tablets and cold remedies, you could end up taking an awful lot.

Parecetemol is sused in preganancy. On the web one user reported; “I suffered dreadful headaches in the first trimester and didn’t want to take anything in case it harmed the fetus. I kept putting it off and stuck headache for 3 days before giving in. I later found out that I could have been using this drug. (Do always check with your doctor/medical advisor though before doing this yourself.)

However, do avoid anti-inflammatorys such as Ibruprofen in pregnancy. Paracetemol is usually safe. Paracetemol is particularly deadly for cats as it also causes liver failure. If someone has given your cat one of these tablets seek veterinary advice promptly.

Paracetemol is toxic at very low levels (if you take eight tablets in a 24hr period) and if you react badly to caffeine, don't take Anadin. Unsurprisingly some people are becoming addicted to branded painkillers, which cause a "medication overuse headache". Paracetemol is pretty much the only safe painkiller to use when you are pregnant. Is there anything else you can do to alleviate your pain?

Paracetemol is seriously hard on the kidneys, so in cases of overdose there is always a risk that they may have been damaged. You'll need to tell your GP exactly how much you were taking, and prepare yourself to be sent for some tests just to be on the safe side.

It is one of the NSAIDs and they vary in their potency, duration of action, how they are eliminated from the body, how strongly they inhibit COX-1 and their tendency to cause ulcers and promote bleeding . The more an NSAID blocks COX-1, the greater is its tendency to cause ulcers and promote bleeding. NSAIDs work by inhibiting the cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes COX-1 and COX-2, so preventing the formation of inflammatory prostaglandins from metabolism of arachidonic acid. However, by inhibiting COX-1 they can also cause serious gastrointestinal (GI) side effects and adversely affect platelet function. NSAIDs may cause side effects. The most common are stomach upset, heartburn, and nausea.

NSAIDs may cause side effects. The most common are stomach upset, heartburn, and nausea. NSAIDs should not be taken while undergoing Prolotherapy because they inhibit the inflammation caused by the treatment. For that matter, anyone with chronic pain should seriously consider stopping NSAIDs and starting Prolotherapy. NSAIDs can also increase your risk of serious effects on the stomach or intestines, including bleeding or perforation (forming of a hole). These conditions can be fatal and gastrointestinal effects can occur without warning at any time while you are taking an NSAID.

Medicine such as paracetemol is generally used first to manage the pain of osteoarthritis. If paracetemol does not work, then you may require a stronger medication to relieve painful symptoms associated with osteoarthritis. Medication of all kinds is so over used in our society and people's ignorance makes me really angry. People want a quick fix for everything these days.

Anti-inflammatory medicines are so important because the airways in a child or adult with asthma may be inflamed or edematous. Anti-inflammatory medicine also causes the lining of the lungs to produce less mucus. Anti-inflammatory medicines that are swallowed, like in a pill or syrup, are taken when your child has serious symptoms and they need fast relief.

Research shows that inflammation in the body not only increases your risk of disease (including heart disease and stroke) but can make it tougher to lose weight as well. This diet emphasizes foods that are high in antioxidants, monounsaturated fats, and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which reputedly help reduce inflammation.

Patients must address all medical concerns with their physicians. This article is provided strictly for entertainment use only, has been written by a non-medical expert and must not be relied on.

Steve Evans is the writes articles on a wide range of subjects. He has compiled the List of Anti Inflammatory Medicines. If you found this article interesting you will be likely to find his site very well worth a visit.

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